I use a Cuisinart Ice Cream Processor. We love our processor! It's a little too convenient, if you know what I mean.
This photo was taken at night on the 4th of July, lit by a long strand of ambient terrazzo lights.
Most chocolate affectionados would take one look at this picture and say, "With all due respect, your ice cream doesn't look very chocolatey... "
To which I respond, "I do hope you won't be wearing socks when you take a spoonful, because that's the last you'll ever see them... "
(In the photo at right, you will see French Roast Coffee Ice Cream on the left with Bitterdark on the right.)
Bitterdark Chocolate Ice Cream
1/3 well-rounded cup cocoa powder*
Another 1/3 well-rounded cup cocoa powder*
1/2 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
1/4 cup raw sugar
rounded 1/8 teaspoon soma salt (from India) of course you can substitute!
1 cup whole milk
2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla
Measure the two 1/3 cups of cocoa powders* into a mixing bowl. Stir in the brown and raw sugars, mixing well to remove most lumps. Whisk in the cup of milk until the mixture is smooth.
Add the cream, salt and vanilla. Whisk-whisk-whisk.
Now, taste! (Isn't that the best part of being the cook?)
* I know you could take a short cut and measure 2/3 cup of cocoa powder, but you won't get the right
amount of chocolate depth and dazzle. Do keep that in mind. :)
IMPORTANT: This ice cream batter needs to take a siesta before freezing. Patient, be the queen! Let her sleep... you can nap too.
Put in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Then whisk again right before processing. Process according to the freezers directions.
Consume decidedly soft. If heaven had a flavor...